ONLY FOR OCAL CANNABIS OPERATIONS. Describe any seedling, transplant, or greenhouse/shadehouse production done by your operation.
ONLY FOR OCAL CANNABIS OPERATIONS. Describe the seed, transplants, and planting stock you plan to use.
Describe any seedling, transplant, or greenhouse/shadehouse production done by your operation.
Describe the seed, transplants, and planting stock you plan to use.
Organic seed and planting stock must be used unless organic versions are not commercially available, with the exception that organic seed must always be used for production of edible sprouts. Commercial Availability is defined by the NOP as the ability to obtain a production input in an appropriate form, quality, or quantity to fulfill an essential function in a system of organic production or handling, as determined by CCOF in the course of reviewing the Organic System Plan (certification application).
Growers are required to search for organic seed and planting stock and must document this search in order to demonstrate that organic seed/planting stock was not commercially available. This documentation may be in the form of a log showing calls made, product/supplier catalogues, letters received, or other demonstration of good faith efforts on your part.
We recommend trialing organic varieties if you cannot find the specific organic seed or planting stock in the form, quality, or quantity needed. If a third party such as a buyer or seed distributor determines your seed or planting stock, they must comply with the commercial availability requirement on your behalf.
All annual transplants (seedlings) must be certified organic. When purchasing annual transplants growers must verify and maintain current National Organic Program (NOP) certificates from suppliers and have purchase invoices showing the transplants purchased are certified organic.
All seed, planting stock, and transplant records will be reviewed during your annual inspection
For more details and a list of organic seed and planting stock suppliers, visit our Seed & Planting Stock Regulations and Resources page.
Visit our Organic Seed and Planting Stock Resources page for details on seed and planting stock requirements, and our list of organic seed and planting suppliers.
Your diligence in sourcing organic seed and planting stock helps to strengthen the organic seed sector.
Seeds treated with prohibited materials are not allowed. Look to the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) or the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) lists of allowed materials to find seed treatments that are approved. Our staff will verify compliance of any seed treatments not on the OMRI or WSDA lists for you. Just complete and submit a Material Review Request Form for each seed treatment you want to use.
You can also use MyCCOF: Materials Search to find and add materials approved for use in organic production or to request the review of a material you would like to use.
Yes, transplants must be from certified organic sources. Growers must maintain certificates and invoices showing all annual transplants are certified organic.
There are two situations in which transplants may come from nonorganic sources:
Growers whose seed or planting stock is determined by a third party must be able to demonstrate that the third party complies, on behalf of the grower, with the commercial availability requirement for seed or planting stock. CCOF must be able to verify that a commercial availability search was conducted for all non-organic seed or planting stock. If a buyer, seed distributor, or other third party provides you with non-organic seed or planting stock, you must obtain documentation from the third party that demonstrates an adequate search for organic seed or planting stock was conducted. Examples of this documentation include call logs, seed catalogues, records or organic variety trials, or statements from seed suppliers. Your inspector will ask for this information at all inspections.
Use this form to document your searches for organic seed and planting stock. All seed and planting stock must be organic unless an organic equivalent is not commercially available.
This template is available for download as a PDF or Microsoft Word document. If you do not have Microsoft Office you can save the file in your Google Drive and edit there. A Google email account is required.