雷电竞app下载 //www.batteryebuy.com/ 我可以在MyCCOF中查看我的输入/资料吗?雷电竞app下载 //www.batteryebuy.com/faq/can-i-view-my-inputsmaterials-雷电竞app下载myccof 我能在MyCCOF中查看我的输入/材料吗?雷电竞app下载< span class="field field——name-uid field——type-entity-reference field——label-hidden">Gamai Gregory Fri,10/07/2022 - 14:59


  1. 登录雷电竞app下载MyCCOF,进入Materials页签。
  2. 您可以通过点击“CCOF已批准客户端使用”一栏查看您最近批准的材料。单击一次列标题可按最古老的日期排序,再单击一次按最近的日期排序。
  3. 在“客户材料状态”一栏查看您的审批状态。
  4. 通过点击“批准的材料列表”按钮打印当前OSP材料列表PDF。
  5. 您可以通过点击表格上方的“XLS”按钮导出材料数据的Excel电子表格。
  6. 请求从操作中删除一个或多个材料,方法是单击表格中材料旁边的方框,然后单击“删除高亮显示的材料”按钮。
  7. 通过点击“材料搜索”按钮搜索并请求新材料。


not have a My雷电竞app下载CCOF account?创建一个here

Certification Topics
周五,2022年10月7日21:59:18 +0000 Gamai格雷戈里 3450416, //www.batteryebuy.com
CCOF是否提供在线服务? //www.batteryebuy.com/faq/does-ccof-provide-online-services CCOF是否提供在线服务?< span class="field field——name-uid field——type-entity-reference field——label-hidden">Mon, 12/28/2020 - 03:22


Certification Topics
2020年12月28日星期一11:22:29 +0000 ManualMigrator2 5981, //www.batteryebuy.com
如何检查我的操作项和OSP更新的状态? //www.batteryebuy.com/faq/how-can-i-check-status-my-action-items-and-osp-updates 我如何检查我的Action Items和OSP更新的状态?< span class="field field——name-uid field——type-entity-reference field——label-hidden">Lulu Garcia Wed,02/06/2019 - 17:42
  1. 登录雷电竞app下载MyCCOF,进入“Action Item Tracker”页签。
  2. 您将被带到“我的行动项目”子选项卡,在那里您可以从CCOF查看您的行动项目。
  3. 转到第二个子选项卡“所有行动项目”,查看您已发送给CCOF的项目和您已响应的项目。
  4. 找到您感兴趣的操作项目,并找到“Due Date”列,以查看CCOF预计何时审核该项目。你可以期待在这个日期左右收到CCOF的消息。



After CCOF receives and processes an update via inbox@ccof.org or through Action Item Tracker, we send you an auto-confirmation email notifying you that we received your request and that it’s pending review.
If you do not receive an auto-confirmation within 24-48 hours after you submit your update, we likely did not receive anything from you. Please resend your update to inbox@ccof.org or confirm you clicked “Submit Complete Responses” In Action Item Tracker.
Read our Action Item Tracker FAQ for instructions on how to use the tool
Please keep in mind our general timelines:
1-2 weeks:
  • Updated labels for existing products
  • Adding a facility or additional equipment (subsequent inspection required)
  • Adding new acreage (subsequent inspection required)
  • New inputs (fertilizer, pest control, sanitizers, etc.)
  • General Questions
Within one month (other updates, such as the ones below):
  • New Products with or without labels
  • General Organic System Plan (OSP) updates
  • Your response to a request for information from CCOF
We cannot guarantee these timelines. During busy times of the year updates may take longer. If you require a faster response, please let us know as we may be able to accommodate your timeline. We also offer guaranteed two day and five day Rush Review for time sensitive situations. If you are interested in a Rush Review, please complete the form and submit it to CCOF.
A Certification Specialist will respond as soon as your update/response has been reviewed or if we have any questions.
Certification Topics
2019年2月7日星期四01:42:27 +0000 露露加西亚 5876 //www.batteryebuy.com
我可以更新我的在线有机目录配置文件吗?ray官网 //www.batteryebuy.com/faq/can-i-update-my-online-organic-ray官网directory-profile 我可以更新我的在线有机目录配置文件吗?ray官网< span class="field field——name-uid field——type-entity-reference field——label-hidden">Laura Mathias Thu,07/05/2018 - 14:52



2018年7月5日星期四21:52:20 +0000 劳拉·马赛厄斯 5906, //www.batteryebuy.com
CCOF的OSP步行服务 //www.batteryebuy.com/resource/ccofs-osp-walk-through-service CCOF's OSP Walk-Through Service

用于注册CCOF's OSP Walk-Through Service,为您的员工提供全面完整的认证概述。CCOF提供时间与我们的员工见面,并学习如何使用我们的系统来改善您的用户体验。

Sarah Watters Tue,07/11/2017 - 12:00
<文章class="media media- type-document media- view-mode-default">
< span class="file class=file——mime-application-pdf file——application-pdf"> OSP演练程序。pdf
说西班牙语< / > < / div > < div class = " field__item " > < a href = " //www.batteryebuy.com/term/operation-type/grower " hreflang =“en”>种植者< / > < / div > < div class = " field__item " > < a href = " //www.batteryebuy.com/term/operation-type/livestock-producer " hreflang =“en”>牲畜生产商< / > < / div > < div class = " field__item " > < a href = " //www.batteryebuy.com/term/operation-type/processor-or-handler " hreflang = >“en”处理器或处理< / > < / div >
认证主题< / div > < div class = " field__items " > < div class = " field__item " > < a href = " //www.batteryebuy.com/term/certification-topic/add-new-certified-service " hreflang = >“en”添加一个新的认证服务< / > < / div > < div class = " field__item " > < a href = " //www.batteryebuy.com/term/certification-topic/add-products " hreflang =“en”>添加产品(s) < / > < / div > < div class = " field__item " > 添加面积< / > < / div > < div class = " field__item " > < a href = " //www.batteryebuy.com/term/certification-topic/add-facilityies " hreflang =“en”>添加设施(ies) < / > < / div > < div class = " field__item " > < a href = " //www.batteryebuy.com/term/certification-topic/add-materials " hreflang =“en”>添加材料(s) < / > < / div > < div class = " field__item " > < a href = " //www.batteryebuy.com/term/certification-topic/change-my-address-or-location "hreflang = "恩" >更改我的地址或位置< / > < / div > < div class = " field__item " > < a href = " //www.batteryebuy.com/term/certification-topic/my雷电竞app下载ccof " hreflang =“en”> MyCCOF < / > < / div > < div class = " field__item " > < a href = " //www.batteryebuy.com/term/certification-topic/recordkeeping-help-and-templates " hreflang =“en”>记录帮助和模板< / > < / div > < div class = " field__item " > < a href = " //www.batteryebuy.com/term/certification-topic/transfer-or-withdraw-parcel " hreflang = >“en”转让或收回 parcel
2017年7月11日星期二19:00:34 +0000 莎拉继续萎缩 103506, //www.batteryebuy.com
如何登录MyCCOF?雷电竞app下载我的密码无效/我可以重置吗? //www.batteryebuy.com/faq/how-can-i-log-雷电竞app下载myccof-my-password-isnt-workingcan-i-reset-it 如何登录MyCCOF?雷电竞app下载我的密码无效/我可以重置吗?< span class="field field——name-uid field——type-entity-reference field——label-hidden">Laura Mathias Thu,07/07/2016 - 11:58




2016年7月7日星期四18:58:22 +0000 劳拉·马赛厄斯 6081, //www.batteryebuy.com
我是多个行动的联络人。如何访问每个操作的信息? //www.batteryebuy.com/faq/i-am-contact-multiple-operations-how-do-i-access-information-each-operation 我是多个操作的联系人。如何访问每个操作的信息?< span class="field field——name-uid field——type-entity-reference field——label-hidden">Laura Mathias Fri,05/13/2016 - 10:14

登录MyCCOF,进入' Compan雷电竞app下载y Data List. '“公司数据列表”将显示您目前是联系人的所有业务。要访问特定帐户的信息,请单击联系人类型列中的名称或人员符号(如下图所示)。

contact type button


  • 在“公司数据列表”中,您可以通过单击“默认客户端”框,选择登录MyCCOF帐户时将自动打开的公司记录。雷电竞app下载
  • 要更改“默认客户端”,只需选中“公司数据列表”中的另一个操作复选框。这一点随时都可以改变。
2016年5月13日星期五17:14:32 +0000 劳拉·马赛厄斯 5851 //www.batteryebuy.com
如何提交更新个人资料的请求(添加面积、添加产品、OSP更新等)? //www.batteryebuy.com/faq/how-do-i-submit-request-update-my-profile-add-acreage-add-product-osp-updates-etc 我如何提交更新我的配置文件的请求(添加面积,添加产品,OSP更新等)?< span class="field field——name-uid field——type-entity-reference field——label-hidden">Laura Mathias Fri,05/13/2016 - 10:10


一旦收到请求,将会产生一个' Action Item ',您可以在您的MyCCOF帐户中跟踪它。雷电竞app下载访问“Action Items”选项卡查看和跟踪所有未决请求。

2016年5月13日星期五17:10:09 +0000 劳拉·马赛厄斯 6101, //www.batteryebuy.com
雷电竞app下载MyCCOF在线认证管理 //www.batteryebuy.com/resource/雷电竞app下载myccof-online-certification-management 雷电竞app下载MyCCOF在线认证管理


Gamai Gregory Thu, "07/18/2013 - 15:42
<文章class="media media- type-document media- view-mode-default">
< span class="file class=file——mime-application-pdf file——application-pdf"> MyCCOF_Online_Certification_Management.pdf
2013年7月18日星期四22:42:25 +0000 Gamai格雷戈里 103661在//www.batteryebuy.com
我可以在CCOF查看我的未偿还余额并在线支付吗? //www.batteryebuy.com/faq/can-i-view-my-outstanding-balances-ccof-and-pay-online 我能在CCOF查看我的未偿还余额并在线支付吗?< span class="field field——name-uid field——type-entity-reference field——label-hidden">Gamai Gregory Mon,06/04/2012 - 09:37


  • 登录雷电竞app下载MyCCOF.org并导航到'发票'选项卡。
  • 在这里您可以查看您的帐户状态,发票描述和任何未偿余额。
  • 单击单个发票并点击“发票副本”按钮生成发票副本。

要在线支付您的余额,请单击MyCCOF中的 '立即支付' 按钮。雷电竞app下载


Certification Topics
2012年6月4日星期一16:37:33 +0000 Gamai格雷戈里 6151 //www.batteryebuy.com